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Governing Matters June 2023

Governing Matters cover June 2023

Welcome to the June 2023 issue of Governing Matters members' magazine. This edition features charity Class 13 - with coverage of what an equitable environment in our schools looks like; we celebrate the work of governing boards and leaders in Lewisham; and we also discuss the continuing and growing issue of attendance. 

Take a look at some of our featured articles below and discover a whole range of news covering in-depth topics.

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Cover story

Attendance: Absence-minded

With school attendance an increasingly prevalent worry for governing boards, pupil attendance and family engagement expert Rob Jones offers some advice.

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Feature article

Cultivating your culture

Emma Knights, chief executive, explores the concept of culture in your school and the difference it makes to staff and learners, for better or for worse.

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Emma Knights

Featured article

MAT governance - coming of age

Karen Rose, director of people, partnerships and organisational development at multi academy trust E-ACT, reflects on the journey so far.

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Child climbing stairs made of books

Featured article

Journey to greener governance

Megan Tate, policy and research officer, recaps the progress of the Greener Governance campaign and invites you to make a change in your school or trust

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Paper cutouts of children in nature

Featured article

In your voice: addressing educational disadvantage

º£½ÇÉçÇø policy and projects manager Fiona Fearon spoke to four people to find out more about º£½ÇÉçÇø's Our Disadvantage: Widening the Lens toolkit to help governing boards to think about disadvantage beyond the pupil premium and national narratives

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People approaching ladders

Featured article

Where does the time go?

Rising workload, recruitment challenges, and more complaints were among the issues you raised in response to º£½ÇÉçÇø chief executive Emma Knights’ callout.

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Sand through an hourglass