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Getting started as a new governor or trustee

º£½ÇÉçÇø provides resources, training and much more to help new governors and trustees understand their governance role and make a positive impact.

Hit the ground running with º£½ÇÉçÇø's induction resources for new governors and trustees to help you get started in your governing role. The chair or vice-chair will lead your induction or will delegate it to the governance professional to support you.Ìý

Induction guides

We recommend º£½ÇÉçÇø's induction guides to help those new to governance to become effective as soon as possible. Complimentary copies and discounts are available to º£½ÇÉçÇø members.

Induction training

Preparing for your first board meeting

You can expect to receive meeting papers and an agenda before governing board meetings – your governance professional (clerk to the board) can help you access these.

Your first meeting is a good opportunity to observe, understand the type of discussion that takes place and learn from your colleagues. You may wish to refer to our example questions for governing boards to ask.

Ask your governing board to explain any education terms you’re unfamiliar with. You can also refer to our glossary of key governing terms.


Networking with other governors and trustees

±·³Ò´¡â€™s special interest governance networks are a chance to meet other governors and trustees and join informal, facilitated discussions.

Social media is also an effective way to build connections and share ideas with the governance community. You can use Twitter #UKgovchat, and search for governance groups on Facebook.

You can also follow º£½ÇÉçÇø at for regular updates.

Expertise you can trust

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Why join?

We have a variety of membership packages to suit your needs and support you in your governing role. Benefits include:

Gold Advice

Expert, confidential and independent governance advice

Knowledge Centre

Best practice guidance, templates, checklists, insights and much more


Helpful guides for both experienced and new governors and trustees

Governing Matters

Membership magazine providing essential reading on strategic leadership

Weekly e-newsletter

The best way to keep up to date with important governance and education news

Member events

Join in, network and learn from your peers: there are over 30 events a year to choose from